Fun Parallel Play or Field Trips
Going to the movies together
Feeding ducks at the Riverwalk
Reading stories at the Riverwalk Amphitheatre
Gymnastics party @ 'Lil Bits in Naperville
Lego party
Painting pet rocks
Creating Shrinky-dinks
Scavenger hunt
Drawing and coloring book together
Field Trip: Escape room
Field Trip: Zoo
Field Trip: Museum
Field Trip: Sandbox VR
Field Trip: Swimming Pool @ Swimply.com
Urban Air
Chuck E Cheese
Freeze Dance
Ride bikes around town
Walk around the neighborhood
Unleash Their Competitive Nature
Longest to keep balloons from touching the ground.
Quickest to the finish line (quickest walking race, foot race, and bike races)
Musical chairs
Most basketball baskets in five minutes (there will be age groups)
Duck, Duck, Goose
Mother/Father may I
Hop scotch
Simon says
Red light, green light
Quickest to complete obstacle course
The floor is lava parkour
Kick the can
Frisbee golf
All around the rosies
Mini Olympics
Social and Teamwork Games
Tug of War
Red Rover
Bloody Murder!
Tackle the guy with the ball
Blacktop kickball
Flag football
Roblox 'team experiences' every Friday night from 630-715pm (we need to know your Roblox username to friend you)
Dollhouse or Matchbox cars
Barbie or Skibbity Toilet plushes
Nerf gun battle (teams)
Field Trip: Paintball field